A couple of month's ago I wanted to check my old FaceBook Account but forgot what email and password I had used to sign up, I sent an email to their technical support but they didn't reply so I decided to put my geek skills to good use and find a way to get my login information back by writing a facebook account hacking code or exploit as they are called.


Facebook has two databases (one for males and one for females users) where they keep all the information from their users, if you remember the email you use to login but forget your password, you can use the 'Forgot your password?' option, however if like me you don't have any of that information it's impossible to legally recover that account.

If you know anything about programming websites you know the 'Forgot your password?' service has to be in direct contact with the databases in order to send requests to retrieve the forgotten information for you, basically what that means is if you 'ask' the database for the login information with the right 'code' (in our case exploit), it will send you back that information.

So all I had to figure out is what the code was and what system they used to contact the databases through the 'Forgot your password?' service, after a few weeks of writing and testing codes I came up with the right one for the job and after doing a bit of research I learned FaceBook uses something similar to an email service to contact their databases.

For security reasons the databases are programmed to verify the account your requesting is actually yours and not someone elses so they need some type of authentication or verification (thats why they send you a verification link to your email when creating your account or changing your password).

Hey, Many of you want to learn Hacking, my previous articles of Top 5 Websites To Learn How To Hack Like Hackers we have seen Top 5 Best forum and website to learn like hackers. because there are many hackers used to share their knowledge but what about the basic knowledge, a hackers ( no matter what type of but a well-knowledge and experience ) is never interested to teach you "Basics of Hacking", today i'm posting 5 awesome all time best basics of hacking ebooks, this ebook are not free but don't worry in the end of the articles i'll show you a simple way to get any ebooks for FREE.....

The secret of Hacking 1 Edition : this book is awesome for those whom have 0 knowledge in hacking and want to learn hacking, its good start up for them. In order to get this book you have order this book from the official website of this ebook. but if you know How to do some tricky search you can get it from google for FREE.
Have a look at the Content of this ebook

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Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hackers Handbook, 3rd Edition. Gray hat hacking book is something of advance users who might already have much knowledge of hacking or beginners, unlike other hacking book this book is helpful for ethical hackers in fixing security loopwhole, testing the black and white box, write malicious code, fixing exploit flaws in linux n windows OS, penetration testing, VoiP and other web seuciryt, developing exploit code and let's see the topic of this ebook. Download this awesome book here.

Develop and launch exploits using BackTrack and Metasploit. Employ physical, social engineering, and insider attack techniques. Build Perl, Python, and Ruby scripts that initiate stack buffer overflows. Understand and prevent malicious content in Adobe, Office, and multimedia files. Detect and block client-side, Web server, VoIP, and SCADA attacks. Reverse engineer, fuzz, and decompile Windows and Linux software. Develop SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and forgery exploits. Trap malware and rootkits using honeypots and SandBoxed. Hardware Hacking Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty About this ebook some description of this ebook by the author "If I had this book 10 years ago, the FBI would never have found me!" -- Kevin Mitnick This book has something for everyone---from the beginner hobbyist with no electronics or coding experience to the self-proclaimed "gadget geek." Take an ordinary piece of equipment and turn it into a personal work of art. Build upon an existing idea to create something better. Have fun while voiding your warranty!

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