A couple of month's ago I wanted to check my old FaceBook Account but forgot what email and password I had used to sign up, I sent an email to their technical support but they didn't reply so I decided to put my geek skills to good use and find a way to get my login information back by writing a facebook account hacking code or exploit as they are called.


Facebook has two databases (one for males and one for females users) where they keep all the information from their users, if you remember the email you use to login but forget your password, you can use the 'Forgot your password?' option, however if like me you don't have any of that information it's impossible to legally recover that account.

If you know anything about programming websites you know the 'Forgot your password?' service has to be in direct contact with the databases in order to send requests to retrieve the forgotten information for you, basically what that means is if you 'ask' the database for the login information with the right 'code' (in our case exploit), it will send you back that information.

So all I had to figure out is what the code was and what system they used to contact the databases through the 'Forgot your password?' service, after a few weeks of writing and testing codes I came up with the right one for the job and after doing a bit of research I learned FaceBook uses something similar to an email service to contact their databases.

For security reasons the databases are programmed to verify the account your requesting is actually yours and not someone elses so they need some type of authentication or verification (thats why they send you a verification link to your email when creating your account or changing your password).

Hey, Many of you want to learn Hacking, my previous articles of Top 5 Websites To Learn How To Hack Like Hackers we have seen Top 5 Best forum and website to learn like hackers. because there are many hackers used to share their knowledge but what about the basic knowledge, a hackers ( no matter what type of but a well-knowledge and experience ) is never interested to teach you "Basics of Hacking", today i'm posting 5 awesome all time best basics of hacking ebooks, this ebook are not free but don't worry in the end of the articles i'll show you a simple way to get any ebooks for FREE.....

The secret of Hacking 1 Edition : this book is awesome for those whom have 0 knowledge in hacking and want to learn hacking, its good start up for them. In order to get this book you have order this book from the official website of this ebook. but if you know How to do some tricky search you can get it from google for FREE.
Have a look at the Content of this ebook

Introduction to real Hacking. Advanced Malware research. Windows Hacking4. Password Hacking. Email Hacking. Web Application Hacking. Website Defacement Domain Hacking. Miscellaneous Hacking. Mobile Computer Forensic. VoIP Wireless Hacking. Vulnerability discovery Penetration testing. Advanced Hacking with Metasploit. Firewall, IDs Honey pot Hacking. Securing System Networks. Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking , Kevin Mitnick the most famous all time best top 1 social engineers proved how social engineers dangerous and can Hack Human with the art of social engineering, as the book name implies this books reveal all the secret of social engineering. this is very intresting ebook rather then other because for computer hacking you need the computer device, Internet and a knowledge so you know what you are going to do. but for social engineering you don't need any of this, you need to learn how to manipulate people mind so they will do what you want to do from them. Download awesome ebook from direct link.

Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hackers Handbook, 3rd Edition. Gray hat hacking book is something of advance users who might already have much knowledge of hacking or beginners, unlike other hacking book this book is helpful for ethical hackers in fixing security loopwhole, testing the black and white box, write malicious code, fixing exploit flaws in linux n windows OS, penetration testing, VoiP and other web seuciryt, developing exploit code and let's see the topic of this ebook. Download this awesome book here.

Develop and launch exploits using BackTrack and Metasploit. Employ physical, social engineering, and insider attack techniques. Build Perl, Python, and Ruby scripts that initiate stack buffer overflows. Understand and prevent malicious content in Adobe, Office, and multimedia files. Detect and block client-side, Web server, VoIP, and SCADA attacks. Reverse engineer, fuzz, and decompile Windows and Linux software. Develop SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and forgery exploits. Trap malware and rootkits using honeypots and SandBoxed. Hardware Hacking Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty About this ebook some description of this ebook by the author "If I had this book 10 years ago, the FBI would never have found me!" -- Kevin Mitnick This book has something for everyone---from the beginner hobbyist with no electronics or coding experience to the self-proclaimed "gadget geek." Take an ordinary piece of equipment and turn it into a personal work of art. Build upon an existing idea to create something better. Have fun while voiding your warranty!

Hack Facebook Account


There has been a lot of buzz lately regarding the existence of Facebook Hacking Software, as well as online & web 2.0 account hacking in general. YouTube has been flooded by videos that show programs claiming to be able to hack accounts in various sites, including Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, et cetera. The question is really, is any application actually capable of performing hacks as simple as that? The answer is quite complicated. Let me explain.

When social networking sites, like facebook began, their security features were quite thin compared to today. With a few programs in your toolbox, you could do practically anything. Facebook hacking software was quite easy to find at the time, as well as tools that hacked other sites’ accounts. Nowadays it’s not that simple. Security measures in all portals has been tightened by quite a bit, and it is difficult to keep up with the algorithms used in the protection of these sites. But of course, nothing is impossible – for every lock created by a human, there might be a dozen ways to get around it.
Okay, but what about Facebook hacking software?

Facebook has two databases (one for males and one for females users) where they keep all the information from their users, if you remember the email you use to login but forget your password, you can use the 'Forgot your password?' option, however if like me you don't have any of that information it's impossible to legally recover that account.

If you know anything about programming websites you know the 'Forgot your password?' service has to be in direct contact with the databases in order to send requests to retrieve the forgotten information for you, basically what that means is if you 'ask' the database for the login information with the right 'code' (in our case exploit), it will send you back that information.

Facebook is one of those online companies that likes to play itself up as an invulnerable fortress of user privacy, but if you have even the slightest bit of history of using the web, you know this is hogwash, pure and simple. The fact is, just about anyone can learn how to hack someone’s Facebook or view private facebook profiles and do it within a few hours. There is no shortage of Facebook hacks strewn far and wide across the web, but if you are new to this game then you need to understand a very core concept to solid hacking: the easier it looks, the more risk there is going to be. You wouldn’t try to do anything else shady in a sloppy way and expect to get good results, would you? Well, learning how to hack someone’s Facebook is just like that. You are going to have to be careful if you hack Facebook Password because there is a certain level of likelihood that the event will be logged by the company’s servers. If so, it may not be something they pursue you over right now, but if they ever decide to act like the music industry did towards people who downloaded MP3s, there could be unpleasant side effects. Any Facebook Password Hack also needs to be carefully evaluated. Know where it comes from and who is giving you the instructions before you decide to go forward.

Hack facebook account For starters, one might ask, why so much fuss about the act of facebook account hacking? Well, truth be told, Facebook is now a big part of everyones lives. Even our parents now have an account, either for playing games or communicating with friends, long lost people of the past and so on. This thing is so big, that we find new mates, new people to talk about, establish new real life relationships through it. For one reason or another, many people need some “anauthorized” access to other people’s lives, so they can know the other side of the friendship or relationship; are the feelings mutual, or is the other party fooling or playing with them? The simplest way to do this, is to hack their facebook account. This used to be a long and tedious act, that required lots of technical knowledge, until we decided that since it can be done by a human, it should also be possible to be done by a machine. By using our own knowledge, we made the ultimate program to Hack Facebook Account.
Hack Facebook account in Auto pilot!

How do you hack a facebook account, you might ask. It’s more than simple. You simply enter the url of the person’s profile you want to hack in our software, and all the questions you might have are solved right away, since you gain access to the other persons life, and be able to see what they think of you. You don’t need to hire a hacker, you don’t need any obscure computer knowledge at all. You are so lucky you got here early that you don’t even need to buy this program, because for a limited time we’re giving it for free! We’re gathering feedback via e-mail from the thousands of people that got the software, and we managed to understand what is needed: to hack facebook accounts, using a simple interface, free from details and technical terms, and smart enough to not get caught by facebook’s anti-hacking methods. It has never been easier to hack someone’s Facebook account!

Hack facebook password free


Here at How to View Private Facebook Profiles, we have provided you with many different tips, tricks and hacks to view private facebook profiles. However, facebook tends to stay on the bleeding edge of security and fixes most bugs very quickly. Now, while many of our hacks still work to this day, other facebook viewing tricks have been patched. Even though many new bugs and tricks to view profiles on facebook will arise (and of course we will post every new facebook hack we can), we would like to share with you some tricks that will never get blocked. This of course is Social Engineering. And it is a great way to view private facebook profiles.

What is social engineering? It is a term that refers to getting someone to comply to your desires, without them necessarily knowing what they are, or your motives behind them.

op 5 Websites To Learn How To Hack Like Hackers
Whether you're a college student, a well experience networking trainer or a computer games addicted - everyone comes across a situation where we make life a lot easier with some type of hacking.

Maybe you've lost the license key that came with your genuine anti-virus or games package that you paid for. Maybe you want to make a backup copy of your Favorite Games, DVD Movies, but there is a copy-protection encoded into the disk. or May be your stuck on a your favorite online games and you want to know if any hacks available to leave up in the game.

As we are exploring the hacking world , It should be keep some thing in your mind, there are two major type of hackers, we call them "White hat" and "Black hat" (today's people also refereed gray hat which is a middle in black hat & white hat ). "White hat" hackers call themselves as "ethical hackers," in that they find vulnerabilities and exploit to make the application's programming more secure for everyone. However, there are many hackers community who find vulnerabilities to exploit in a application for crack or in server to break them and gain illegal access. Now you know what sort of community you may take interest to join them. Let's get on top 5 Hackers communities where you can learn how to hack like hackers.

Now why would you want to view someone’s facebook profile? This site (How To View Private Facebook Profiles) has been around for well over a year and from my experience, the number one reason people want to see the profiles is because they feel as though a spouse or a significant other is cheating on them and they want proof. Also, parents may want to check in on their children, or the people that their children are hanging out with. Other people just want to creep on a person of the opposite sex that they like and they’re fine with that.

So here are two methods of social engineering to get into someone’s private facebook profile.
The Facebook Message Approach

The web jacking attack method will create a website clone and present the victim with a link stating that the website has moved. This is a new feature to version 0.7. When you hover over the link, the URL will be presented with the real URL, not the attacker’s machine. So for example if you’re cloning, the URL when hovered over it would be When the user clicks the moved link, Gmail opens and then is quickly replaced with your malicious webserver.

This is a band new way to access private Facebook Profiles that we have yet to mention. This is a very reliable way off getting access to somebody’s full facebook profile. The concept of this approach is basically to set up a profile in which your victim thinks you are actually someone that they know. Then they will, of course, add you, no questions asked.

The first step is to view your victims friends list. Find one of their friends that does not have a facebook default profile picture. This will most likely be a person that does not use facebook very often. What you do is create a new facebook account with the exact same name as the profile that does not have a default profile picture.

Hacking Yahoo Account Password


Our success rate so far is around 90%, and we have now opened up this service to the public. So if you need to gain access to a lost Facebook Account, now you can. Remember, this service is completely free. All you need to provide us with is the link to the account of yours, and we will do our best to help you gain access to it using our unique software.
Are you having problems with Hacking Yahoo Account Password? Maybe you are still searching over the internet for most suitable method that will work for you to successfully hack Yahoo?
Well, most of hacking methods takes ages to learn, and also requires from you to understand and learn some of programming languages, web languages etc. Obviously, you can't learn all of this over the night! You will need at least one month to learn the basics of programming first to deal with some coding techniques that will help you in hacking methods later. And then comes more advanced part which is much harder to pick up. So it's all hard work if you want to fully understand the step by step process how to hack Yahoo mail password, or any other email account password out there. The basics of hacking email accounts are almost always the same. But you don't want to wait like three months (or probably more) to learn all of this to hack someone's Yahoo, right? And you can't be even sure if you are able to learn and understand all of that huge programming information. Each person is different when it comes to learning something. Some people learns and memorises faster, some slower. Someone is good at math, someone don't have talent for it at all, but he is better dealing with languages then first one.
To make it short and simple, on this website you will face with newest and most promising successful method to hack Yahoo password!

There has been a lot of buzz lately regarding the existence of Facebook Hacking Software, as well as online & web 2.0 account hacking in general. YouTube has been flooded by videos that show programs claiming to be able to hack accounts in various sites, including Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, et cetera. The question is really, is any application actually capable of performing hacks as simple as that? The answer is quite complicated. Let me explain.

We do not charge you, we believe in providing our service for free to everyone. This website has been created by a group of coders and hackers and we wish to remain anonymous. People wanting to hack facebook passwords has increased dramatically with how popular the site has become. There are many different reasons such as catching cheating partners, spying on work colleagues and getting personal accounts back. Whatever your reason, we can help you. Be careful of other websites who offer downloads, these usually contain viruses or will steal your own account. Our process is completely online and has no risk to you. The owner of the account will not know you have access to their profile as we obtain their original password without changing it. Our system is anonymous and will leave no trace.

A lot of development and work has gone into providing this service to the public, we hope it works for you. We are a community of professional coders and security experts who believe in openness and the sharing of knowledge. So far our website has helped many people and our feedback is very positive. We have a very high uptime and track record with no issues, however, if you experience any problems, please feel free to contact us
As all the above can sound as quite a headache to newbie computer users, or non-programmers, we have simplified this task by creating the ultimate Facebook hacking software, for everyone to use, totally free. We continually monitor Facebook’s security features and update our hacking software accordingly, so there will be no time in which our tool, Facebook Hack Automator won’t work. We guarantee that.

Hack Facebook FOR FREE!


Before you ask me “why would I want to Hack Facebook“, let me ask you something. Have you ever though that your friends are talking about you behind your back? Wouldn’t it be cool to see what they actually say with each other? Or maybe your spouse is acting weird lately and makes you think that he/she talks with someone else on their facebook. Isn’t it time you take control and see for yourself what’s happening behind your back? You might have a similar, or a totally different problem than these – or you might just wanna pull a prank on your friends!

No matter what the reason is, you’re clearly on the right place to get everything you need to hack facebook (and if you’re fast enough, you can do this for free! Read on to see about our promotion!).
Hack facebook, Hacking Facebook Passwords from user accounts and find out someones facebook password...Is any of it really possible? Yes it is, thanks to Twitter!. By now, you have probably heard the rumors of how unsafe Facebook is with a few celebrities having had their accounts hacked. You may also have seen Twitter allows you to synchronize your tweets with Facebook status updates so whatever you tweet appears as a Facebook status update. In providing this service, Facebook has created many vulnerabilities for itself by allowing a third party (Twitter) to access their database. This problem is due to Facebooks API service which permits exterior websites or applications (like FarmVille) to modify or post stuff on your profile.

Keylogging has always been my favourite(Because i coded a few keyloggers :p).This is the most stealthy and easiest way to hack.Once your keylogger has been injected its up to the program to get the passwords that are enetered on a computer.The tricky part of keylogging is "How to inject a Keylogger".But you can always use email attachments or even use something like "Money.exe" as your keylogger.If you want free keyloggers,you can try some of mine or others.

Any two or more computers networked can get hacked. The hacking is done by the hacker sending an installation program to the victim computer. Any communication program like email, chat windows, a networked computer, or a web site is able to infect a computer. Sometimes the hackers send the malicious programs in disguise of some other program that the victim computer will accept as a different program. Sometimes a pop up window appears on the websites with a button ‘no thanks’. When the users click on this button, the pop up closes but start to install a malicious program invisibly. Once this program has been installed, the victim has to activate it. The hackers are clever enough to give the victim a feeling that this is a safe program to run e .g. a picture or a multimedia file. Once it has been run, there is nothing to reverse this. These programs attach to the operating systems files and generate their activation every time the computer starts. Once a computer has been hacked, the hacker has access to the victims’ computer resources.

This facebook password retrieval software works with all facebook accounts, no matter when they were created or what e-mail service the user is using. After research, lots of clients have discovered that our program is the only reliable software in the net to hack facebook accounts.

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